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Golden Needle

This award is given to those that enhance the medieval atmosphere of the society by devoting their artistic skills to other people in order to serve the Kingdom.  The Golden Needle rewards those who have bridged the gap between creating and embellishing clothing for the love of creativity, and using this skill to serve the Kingdom and its people. This award includes a grant of Arms and is ranked with the Commander awards. (more detail)

Golden Quill

This award is given to individuals that enhance the medieval atmosphere of the society by devoting their artistic skills to other people in order to serve the Kingdom.  The Golden Quill recognizes those that have bridged the gap between creating calligraphy and illumination on scrolls for the love of creativity, and using this skill to serve the Kingdom and its populace. This award includes a grant of Arms and is ranked with the Commander awards. (more detail)

Golden Trumpet

This award is given to individuals that enhance the medieval atmosphere of the society by devoting their artistic skills to other people in order to serve the Kingdom. The Golden Trumpet recognizes those that have bridged the gap between creating/preforming Bardic or Heraldic Art for the love of creativity, and using this skill to serve the Kingdom and its populace. This award includes a grant of Arms and is ranked with the Commander awards. (more detail)

Badges for Atenveldt 'Art as Service' Awards

All Awards B. of Atenveldt Tir Ysgithr
Sun Dragon Mons Tonitrus Twin Moons
Ered Sul Granite Mountain