Awards - Kingdom of Atenveldt

intro - define precedence(use Caid reference), link to Aten OP on website, what is armigerous (link to award types), mention Abacus, link to Atenveldt order of precedence page (used old website content)

Other Awards within the Kingdom
Barony of Atenveldt awards
Barony of Tir Ysgithr awards
Barony of Sun Dragon awards
Barony of Mons Tonitrus awards
Barony of Twin Moons awards
Barony of Ered Sûl awards
Barony of Granite Mountain awards
Kingdom of Atenveldt titles and honors

Award of Arms

Often the first award a player receives. An Award of Arms is given for contributing or active members of the Kingdom who look like they will continue with the SCA.  This award grants the recipient the right to use the title ‘Lord’ or ‘Lady’ and to display ‘arms’ (their own heraldic design) in the SCA. This title is recognized throughout the SCA.

Awards for Service

Awards for Arts & Sciences

Awards for Armored Combat

Awards for Rapier Defense

Awards for Archery

Awards for Children & Youth

Awards for Courtesy

Awards for Historical Authenticity

Awards encompassing Art and Service (the 'Golden' awards)

Awards for Groups

Awards for Equestrian Sports

Lions of Atenveldt

The King gives the Lion of Atenveldt to the person whose behavior, he feels, shows the highest ideals and values of the Current Middle Ages.  Another expression is the person who “embodies the SCA” in the mind of the King.  The award is given once per reign and is a very personal choice for the King.  The Lion is a long-standing tradition in Atenveldt and is highly cherished award.  It carries a Grant of Arms, ranking after Thegns and Banthegns and above all the Commander awards in precedence.


Theign and Bantheign

The Order of Thegns and Bannthegns is given to people who have served as Territorial Baron or Baroness in the Kingdom of Atenveldt, once they have completed the duties and responsibilities of their tenure.  This award is unique to the Kingdom of Atenveldt. This award has high precedence as it ranks above all other Kingdom awards, but below Peerages.

Thegns and Banthegns may wear a 6-pointed metal Coronet embellished with spheroids, pearl, or precious stones on the points; with a maximum heigh of two inches. The badge of the Barony they served can be included in the design. 

Court Barony

Grant of Arms

Peerage Orders

In Atenveldt, there are five peerage orders.  Peerages are the highest level of award given in the SCA and they recognize outstanding service to the Kingdom or expertise in a particular area.  However a peer is more than that, they have to show qualities worthy of the title of peer – such as courtesy and respect to others, be passionate about sharing their knowledge, and play a significant role in our community.  In short, be the kind of person we want to admire.  Our Peers can be some of the most well-known and respected members of the SCA community. The Crown regularly meets with them to discuss potential candidates for the order and relevant business.

Order of Chivalry

Members of the Chivalry are outstanding fighters who have received recognition for their fighting skills, and they strive to be the very models of courtesy and chivalry. The Crown creates a Knight after consultation with the Order and they are required to swear fealty to the Crown at the time they are admitted. Only a Knight is permitted to wear a solid white belt, unadorned gold/silver chain, and spurs. They are addressed as “Sir”

Members of this Order who choose not to swear fealty to the Crown are known as Masters at Arms and wear a white baldric (diagonally from shoulder to hip. They are addressed as “Master” or “Mistress.”

Order of the Laurel

Members are recognized for their exceptional skills in the Arts or Sciences, for their enthusiasm to teach others, and for using their abilities to improve their kingdom. The Crown creates a Laurel after consultation with the Order. Laurels are often addressed as “Master” (name) or “Mistress” (name).  In Atenveldt. by tradition, they are entitled to wear a green laurel wreath in many forms, including hanging from a small link chain or within wear a Collar of Estate.

Order of the Pelican

Members are recognized for their selfless and long-term service to their kingdom or to the SCA as a whole. The Crown creates a Pelican after consultation with the Order. Pelicans are often addressed as “Master” (name) or “Mistress” (name). In Atenveldt, by tradition they are entitled to wear “pelican in her piety,” (a pelican piercing her breast to feed her young with her own blood) in many forms, including hanging from a small link chain or within wear a Collar of Estate.

Masters of Defense

Members of the Order of Defense are recognized for their great skill at rapier and/or cut-and-thrust style combat, as well as for their qualities of courtesy and grace; their willingness to teach others; and for service to the kingdom. They are often addressed as “Master” (name) or “Mistress” (name), and are entitled to wear a white livery collar holding the badge: “Three rapiers in pall inverted tips crossed.”

Royal Peers

These are the past Kings and Queens of Atenveldt.  They are awarded titles after completing one or two reigns.  Those who have ruled once are Counts and Countesses, those who have ruled more than once are Dukes and Duchesses.  In Atenveldt, by tradition, they are entitled to wear coronets; the Counties may have embattled coronets, the Duchys may include strawberry leaves on their coronets. These titles include a Patent of Arms so Dukes and Duchesses are addressed as “Your Grace” with Counts and Countesses addressed as “Your Excellency”.

Glory of Atenveldt

The Glory of Atenveldt is given to Peers who continue to show the high standards of behavior expected of a Peer of Atenveldt – such as courtesy and respect to others, continued passion about sharing their knowledge; and playing a leading role in our community.  In short, still the kind of person we want to admire. The award is given in five parts to reflect the five Atenveldt Peerage orders – Royal peers, Knights, Laurels, Pelicans, and Masters of Defense.  The Glory ranks directly under a Grant of Arms and before the other Kingdom awards for service, arts, combat, rapier etc.

Equestrian & Siege Engine Awards

White Stirrup

The White Stirrup is given to equestrians who serve the equestrian arts in the Kingdom.  Equestrian activities enhance the medieval pageantry at our events!  SCA pursuits include mounted combat, jousting with opponents with foam/wooden lances; and games such as jousting at rings, hitting the quintain, obstacle courses, and archery from horseback. The White Stirrup has the first level of precedence for Kingdom equestrian awards, above an Award of Arms. This award is given at three levels; the level is shown by the color of the ribbon with the award medallion. The three levels are:

  • 1st level, blue ribbon
  • 2nd level, white ribbon
  • 3rd level, gold ribbon (highest level)

Black Chamfron

The Black Chamfron recognizes people for demonstrated excellence and skill on the Equestrian tournament field and in the Equestrian Arts.  These equestrians also distinguish themselves by showing leadership and honor on-and-off the equestrian tournament field; knowledge and practice of the courtly graces; consistent service to the Kingdom; and respect for the laws and customs of the Kingdom of Atenveldt.The award includes a Grant of Arms and has a higher precedence than the White Stirrup.

Closed Orders

Principality of the Sun

Principality of Artemisia

Principality of the Outlands