Barony of Atenveldt History

Revision as of 10:56, 14 December 2024 by Rosa (talk | contribs) (→‎Awards)

The Barony of Atenveldt started in 1969. The Barony encompasses the Central Phoenix Metropolitan Area.


All award information and chartershere.

Recommend a populace member of the Barony of Atenveldt for an award here.

List of Barons and Baronesses

Reign # Baron Baroness Investiture Step Down
26 (Bey) Ra'id ibn al-Za'rur Morgaine Rhys ap Gruffydd 12/07/2024
25 Nikolaus von Erlach Valdis Skarpa 10/16/2021 12/07/2024
24 Nudd MacPherson Emelyn Fraser 04/08/2017 10/16/2021
23 (Vicaress) Dascha Alexandrovna Rostova 10/30/2016 04/08/2017
22 Seelos Massman Fiordalisa Elena di Tomasso 04/28/2012 10/30/2016
21 Edward de Foxton Annalies Katerina Schneider 09/12/2009 04/28/2012
20 Otto Langhorn von Baden Lisabetta Bartolomeo Zanca 09/09/2006 09/12/2009
19 Rhys ap Trahaearn Edine Fairfield 01/01/2004 09/09/2006
18 William Flanagan Dascha Alexandrovna Rostova 12/31/2001 01/01/2004
17 Edric of Saint Michaels Mount Aurora de Ivory 06/01/2001 12/31/2001
16 (Vicar) Deaton Claymore (Vicaress) Gretchen Gwynhwyfar 01/01/2001 06/01/2001
15 Edric of Saint Michaels Mount Aurora de Ivory 12/31/1999 01/01/2001
14 Gerald the Inverter of Kilkenny Catlin Lindsay 01/01/1999 12/31/1999
13 Otto Langhorn von Baden Linotte Lemaitre 01/01/1998 01/01/1999
12 Robin Huxley of Land's End Penelope Dowell of Avonsford 01/01/1994 01/01/1998
11 Gerald the Inverter of Kilkenny Jochi Guardian of the Night 01/01/1992 01/01/1994
10 Gerald the Inverter of Kilkenny 10/01/1989 01/01/1992
9 (Vicar) Denis of the Titans 01/01/1989 10/01/1989
8 Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf 01/01/1986 01/01/1989
7 Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf Kathryn du Vent de Mer of Whitewolfe 01/28/1984 01/01/1986
6 Joseph the Good Alianora da Lyshåret 01/01/1982 01/28/1984
5 Bartholomew of Wolfetwain Melissa of Greenbranch 01/01/1981 01/01/1982
4 Terans den Sjofarende Kate Philippa oShion 01/01/1980 01/01/1981
3 Ivan du Grae Kathleen MacChluarain, the Pure 01/01/1979 01/01/1980
2 (Vicar) Charles of the JACs (Vicaress) Vassillissa Koshkovna Nadhodchivaya 01/01/1978 01/01/1979
1 Michael of Moria (Founding Baron) 06/16/1969 01/01/1977

List of Prior Champions

Champions 2023-2024

Champions 2022-2023

Champions 2021-2022

Title Champion
Arts & Sciences Champion Mistress Caoilfhionn of Mons Tonitrus
Archery Champion Lady Orianna Aethulwulf
Bardic Champion Lady Donwenna Dwn
Armored Combat Champion Lady Thora Gyldir
Rapier Champion Lord Armand Grandier
Thrown Weapons Champion Lord Uilliam O'Dhubhagain
Youth Archery Champion M'lord Hamish the Hunter
Youth Bardic Champion vacant
Youth Thrown Weapons Champion M'lord Hamish the Hunter

Champions 2019-2021

Champions 2018 - 2019

Champions 2017 - 2018

Champions 2016 - 2017

Title Champion
Arts & Sciences Champion Lady Enia al-Andaluslyya
Archery Champion Lady Edeline de Diekirche
Bardic Champion Lord Tiberius Nautius Josephus Africanus
Armored Combat Champion M'lord Sutton de Grae
Rapier Champion Lord Mecurio da Spin
Thrown Weapons Champion Lord Chadwyke von Mangold
Youth Combat Champion M'lady Allianora
Youth Bardic Champion M'lady Kharington Fraser
Youth Archery Champion M'lord Magnus

Champions 2015 - 2016

Title Champion
Arts & Sciences Champion Lady Aoife inghean Oisin
Archery Champion Master Jean Andre Boeye
Bardic Champion M'lord Maine of Galway
Armored Combat Champion Lord Chadwyke von Mangold
Rapier Champion Master Ritchyrd McUath
Thrown Weapons Champion Lord Chadwyke von Mangold

Champions 2014 - 2015

Title Champion
Arts & Sciences Champion Lady Auelyn Spyle Syngere
Archery Champion Lady Edeline de Diekirche
Bardic Champion M'lady Alexandra Koressina
Armored Combat Champion M'lord Triston De Grey
Rapier Champion Lord Wade Greenwall
Thrown Weapons Champion M'lord Gerrick of Edinburg
Youth Combat Champion Micha
Youth Archery Champion M'lady Atalie of Edinburg
Youth Bardic Champion M'lady Dawn Greenwall

Champions 2013 - 2014

Title Champion
Arts & Sciences Champion Master Ritchyrd McUath
Archery Champion Master Jean Andre Boeye
Bardic Champion Catheyn Silvestrov
Armored Combat Champion Caell Robertson
Rapier Champion Duncan McKinney
Thrown Weapons Champion Jerome the True
Youth Archery Champion Amber
Youth Combat Champion Ariana

Champions 2012 - 2013

Title Champion
Arts & Sciences Champion Lady Aoife inghean Oisin
Archery Champion Sveinbiorn Halbiornson
Bardic Champion The Pfryed Pipers
Armored Combat Champion Mitsuhide Shinjiro
Rapier Champion Alice of Atenveldt
Youth Archery Champion Atalie Peare
Youth Combat Champion M'lord Jacobe (no challengers)

Champions 2011 - 2012

Title Champion
Arts & Sciences Champion Bannthegn Lisabetta Bartolomeo Zanca
Armored Combat Champion Lord Pelagius de Ball
Rapier Champion Master Ritchyrd McUath
Archery Champion Merewyn of Eddington
Bardic Champion Lark

Champions 2010 - 2011

Title Champion
Arts & Sciences Champion Lady Kirsten Maria Matz
Armored Combat Champion Sir Kazemir Valentov
Rapier Champion Lord Marco
Archery Champion Jerome the True
Bardic Champion Dawn Silver Rose
Youth Combat Champion Alexandria Julilia Britainicus

List of Prior Chatelaines