Horny Horses Household

Revision as of 14:23, 24 November 2020 by Aurora Faw (talk | contribs)
HHH - camp walls.jpg
Horney Horses
Founded: 2007
Status: Active
HHH badge.jpg
Azure, two sea-unicorns erect addorsed regardant tails entwined argent armed Or.

The Horny Horse Household was established in 2007, by Lady Aurora Faw, her husband Lord Philippe de Dauphine, her Aunt Lady Cassandra Bakere the Chiugeron and Lady Aleeza. Previously members had camped with the Vermin household, which unfortunately went defunked. The Horny Horse Household members are primarily located in the Baronies of Sun Dragon and Tir Ysgithr.

What's in a name?

This household name was created very tounge-in-cheek. Lady Aurora who loves unicorns and knowing that they are period suggested the name to encourage the male members of the household to adopt a unicorn as the household emblem.


  • Lady Cassandra Bakere the Chirurgeon is recognized as the Matriarch of the Household
  • Lady Aurora Faw
  • Lord Philippe de Dauphine
  • m'lord Asher Stark (commonly known as "Bubbles")
  • m'lady Mindy
  • Lady Aleeza
  • Lady Tereza
  • Lord Ryan
  • m'lord Zander
  • Lady Kolfina the Quiet
  • Lord Lucien Le Deschargéeur
  • Lord Wolffgang von Luxemburg


    There is no specific requirements for Membership in the household other than show up and help out. The current members nominate those who have shown hard work and dedication. In return we provide meals and a fun camping environment.


    Contact Lady Aurora Faw