Haus Tagesterne

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Tagesterne Estrella Encampment
Founded: 1987
Status: Active
Tagesterne Badge.jpg
The symbol of the Haus. The "Star"

Blazon - (Fieldless) A mullet of four points gyronny sable and argent within and conjoined to an annulet argent

Azure, a fist with index finger extended issuant from a ford proper, in chief a mullet of four points argent. - This badge may be proudly worn/displayed by any members of the Haus who have camped and suffered thru any of the “inclement weather” wars.

What's in a name?

Once upon a time in the middle ages a group of individuals each witnessed a celestial event of such a magnitude it was visible in daylight. (Think supernova of the 11th century, any number of comets etc.) Tagesterne literally translates to Daystar. This event had such a profound impact that they were drawn together and united in what can only be expressed as a near religious experience. We, the members of Haus Tagesterne, keep our gaze ever upwards both physically and figuratively in wonderous exploration thru our crafts, our arts, our merriment and prowess.


Nos vere potest non canta




Tir Ysgithr, Twin Moons, Mons Tonitrus and a few scattered to other kingdoms.


Originally formed in approximately Anno Societatis 21 (1987) by Nathanial Constantine, Grundle, Gwin. Possibly a few more who fell out soon after. Numbers have fluctuated over the years but the Haus has always been composed of a relatively tight knit group of friends.

Through the early to mid 90's there always remained perhaps 3 to 8 active members with numbers up into the 20's at large events.

From A.S. 34 (2000) to A.S. 44 consistantly active members dropped to just a few however camp attendance at Estrella War was booming. These were the first glory days of Tagesterne. Period pavalions started appearing and the “gate” version 1 was created. Our arts were improving. We had squires. We won brewing competitions. There was music and singing. Really bad singing. There was much wandering. This was a time when many rituals were formed: Some lost, some continue to this day.

A.S. 45 to A.S. 50 finds us in a bit of a transition period. A bit of reality gets in the way of the dream. Adult life becomes a thing. Interests change. Loves are lost. People move out of kingdom. Some return.

A.S. 50 to A.S. 56. Like a change of seasons new life springs forth. New members are inducted. Some receive AoA's after years in the Society. We survive a plague. There is singing again and it's not all bad.

A.S. 56 to A.S. 58. Activity in the house picks up. Benedikt becomes archery captain of Twin Moons and goes SCA bonkers. New members are brought in through archery. Benedikt becomes head of the Haus and drags a few members to other events. Barmaids, a couple Highlands War's and then everyone rallys at War of the Phoenix. Grundle with the support of m'lady Guenhowar becomes archery captain of Tir Ysgithr. Anna replaces Benedikt as archery captain of Twin Moons.



The Toast was started decades ago. It's always on Saturday night at Estrella War, and only at Estrella War, following the camp feast perhaps an hour after sundown. This is the one likely moment at the entire event when every member camping will be in camp at the same time. Immediately following the toast is when candidates for membership will be inducted. Everyone in camp at the time is welcome to join in the toast. Traditionally the household chalice is filled with Kriek and passed from person to person. Each person must remember what they toasted the year before and then make a new toast. The head of the household or whomever they so chose starts off the toast, drinks from the cup and passes to the next person until it's made way full circle around the campfire. In more recent years actually drinking from the cup has become more of an option for the individual. A simple gesture with the cup will suffice. When everyone has had their turn the remaining Kriek is poured into the fire in remembrance of those lost. Singer/musician, Owain Phyfe once wandered in to Haus Tagesterne with nearly perfect timing following the toast to sing “A Health to the Company”. The lyrics best define what the toast is all about -

Kind friends and companions, come join me in rhyme
Come lift up your voices in chorus with mine
Come lift up your voices, all grief to refrain
For we may or might never all meet here again

So here's a health to the company and one to my lass
Let's drink and be merry all out of one glass
Let's drink and be merry, all grief to refrain
For we may or might never all meet here again

Here's a health to the wee lass that I love so well
For style and for beauty there's none can excel
There's a smile on her countenance as she sits upon my knee
There is no man in this wide world as happy as me

So here's a health to the company and one to my lass
Let's drink and be merry all out of one glass
Let's drink and be merry, all grief to refrain
For we may or might never all meet here again

Our ship lies at anchor, she is ready to dock
I wish her safe landing without any shock
And if ever I should meet you by land or by sea
I will always remember your kindness to me

So here's a health to the company and one to my lass
Let's drink and be merry all out of one glass
Let's drink and be merry, all grief to refrain
For we may or might never all meet here again


For many of us Estrella War was one of our first events. Being primarily a household of people on the fringe Estrella was for some the only event they attended all year yet it was consistently a place where the entire house would rally. Nearly thirty years of Estrella's we spent together. Thirty years of memories, weather, happiness & sorrow, glory & debauchery. With Estrella War's demise we found ourselves in a quandary. That's when it came. Plague. Plague and darkness swept through the lands. People remained distant, aloof, in isolation but eventually we found the light again. Some of us were willing to travel and had begun to explore the options of Great Western, Potrero & Battlemoor Wars. And then came a new Atenveldt war. Rising from the ashes of the desolation. Indeed, War of the Phoenix came into its own. And the house rallied again. We sang, we feasted, we fought, we drank. A new era arrived. Each of us a little older, a little wiser. And new members joined the house.

Staff of Standing SoS

Heinrich wielding the SoS
Edric and the Staff

Use of this item grants the bearer/bearer's a +5 on not becoming horizontal. Wielded on many a debaucherous Estrella night by nearly every household member of the age for years. This item was destroyed in an epoch battle of good & evil (or perhaps crushed in the back of someone's dragon (auto)) over a decade ago. Benedikt seeks a suitable replacement. Perhaps one will rise from the ashes like the upcoming War of the Phoenix.

Yet take a close look at these two pictures. Were there, indeed, TWO staff's of standing? Perhaps one or both still exist hidden away from those who misuse their power.

Update - Benedikt indeed found a new staff made from a crooked sassafras sapling.


  • Lord Ohthere Ulfsson Lord Ohthere Ulfsson The alternate universe re-invention of Nathaniel Constantine bon Laubach Nathaniel Constantine von Laubach, Founder
  • Lord Gamli Grundel vom Gruenburg, aka Gamli OEthikollr aka Gamli Oeðikollr aka Grundle, Founder
    Grundle is is knowledgeable in armor construction, blacksmithing, pottery, archery and random other odd skills.
  • Lady Guenhowar Apiaria
  • m'lord Heinrich vom Schwarzwald, Spirit of the Haus, ever remembered, 2nd Head of Haus
  • Lord Edric Longfellow, 3rd head of Haus, Keeper of the Rituals and Stories
    Edric is knowledgeable in painting, brewing, writing, music, mayhem.
  • Lady Ginevra of Sofia
  • Lady Ricolda de Aspynwall, (Rikka) Haus Matriarch, 4th head of Haus
    Knowledgeable in Sewing, camp cooking, period camping and shenanigans.
  • The Honorable Lord Benedict of Luzern, aka Benedikt von Luzern, Current head of Haus as of April 23rd 2022 in the common era. The passing of the mantle took place at the Barmaid's event in the Barony of Mons Tonitrus and was done under an elaborate ceremony with several household members, sabrage and blessings from the elders. (Basically we drank some bubbly and Ricolda said, "You're it!").
    Benedikt is knowledgeable in archery, archery marshalling (target), archery instruction, arrow construction, leatherwork (tooling & construction), 14th century stuff, period board games, camping knowledge, period pavilion stuff, hardsuit combat and some armor construction, some camp cooking, general knowledge of all things SCA (who's who, what's what, why, history), metalwork, heraldry, thrown weapons, mead making, Swiss history (13th & 14th century), and silk banner/flag dying & construction.
  • m'lady Christine is knowledgeable in all things Benedikt.
  • Bannthegn Brighed O'Daire
  • m'lord Roland
  • Sir Bertrand d'Avignon
  • Lord Salvatore,
    Knowledgeable in Leather working, natural dyes and paints, persona research, period camping and cast iron cooking, throwing weapons, archery and hard suit training.
  • m'lord Widokind
  • m'lord Mac
  • Lady Kiara Wrynn of the Bells
  • m'lord Tyg
  • m'lady Seula Ecklundsdóttir (Helga)
  • Lady Anna Von Ahrweiler
    Anna is a skilled archer in handow and crossbow, archery marshal, combat archer, scribe and seamstress. She is the current Twin Moons Archery Captain.
  • Lord Fletcher the Bald
    Fletcher participates in hardsuit, archery and service.
  • m'lord Donald
  • m'lord Ludwicus
  • Lord Dunstan of the Red Spear
  • m'lady Cynewyn Aux Deux Chevaux
  • Lady Lorelei
  • m'lady Julie

    Tagettes & Tagites (prospective members)

  • Lady Arnora Hauknefr


    Come find us, befriend us and you may be invited to camp with us. To be formally invited to join the Haus requires camping with us at three events. There may be knowledge tests. There may be quests.


  • Email: [Benedict]
  • Email: [Ricolda]