Angela Sara Maria Diaz de Valdes

Angela Sara Maria Diaz de Valdes
Photographer: Baroness Sigríðr Úlfsdóttir de Lacy
Resides: Barony of Twin Moons
Status: Active
Angela sara maria diaz de v.gif
Paly gules and Or, three towers in fess sable.

Preferred Title Dona Maestra

Laureled on October 9th, 1994

Pelican, 06-21-1997

Arts Include:

Metalsmithing (iron, steel, brass, bronze, copper, pewter, aluminum) Jewelry Fabrication and Casting (gold, silver, platinum, stone setting, mold-making, lost wax, sand-casting) Armor Enameling Leatherwork Woodwork Calligraphy and Illumination Drawing (ink, charcoal, graphite) Painting Stained Glass Ceramics Costume Embroidery Tent-making Poetry Filksongs Bardic Performance Cooking and Feasts Service Includes:

Kingdom Offices Running Events Service through Arts Have held offices at the Canton, Baronial, Principality, and Kingdom levels I love volunteering at Wars Field Heralding