Lady Aurora Photographer: {{{photographer}}}
Purpure, a unicorn's head couped, on a chief argent three hearts gules.
Lady Aurora started attending Estrella War in 2005 but became more involved in the Society when she started participating with Sun Dragon in about 2013. She is an accomplished belly dancer and has been a part of the belly dancing community since 2005. Besides belly dancing, Aurora is a seamstress, artist, block printer and archer. Aurora has recently started dabbling in heraldry as well. As mother of 2 active children, she still attempts to balance her time between her kids and her love of the SCA. She is married to Lord Philippe de Dauphiné. Aurora is member and founder of the Horny Horses Household.
Lady Aurora started playing in the SCA in part because she always loved the romantic ideas of chivalry and fantasized about the idea that she could be someone else, especially being in "princess" clothes. She had played D-n-D from her teens into adulthood, so the idea of a middle-ages society intrigued her. She was originally invited to this "medieval thing" where you "camp in funny clothes" by her Aunt Lady Cassandra Bakere the Chiurgen. And then from then on she was hooked.
Lady Aurora plays a late-period (1600s) Romani persona from England, but has been known to time travel to many various eras, including Greek and Egyptian.
What's in a Name
Lady Aurora, being the romantic she is, chose her SCA name well before she knew what would fall under period names and based her name on the Disney Sleeping Beauty's, Princess Aurora. In the belly dancing community, you typically select just one name (no surname to go by), both so that you can "be someone else" on stage and so that you can protect yourself from creepy persons. Luckily, Aurora falls just barely into our SCA time period. However, belly dancers are often told that belly dancing is not period, but she decided to continue dancing anyway. She had no intention of registering her name, but after much discussion, she decided that this is how the game is played and one should follow the expectations. So after getting her award of arms, she decided to look for a Romani last name to reflect the "not fitting in" part of being a belly dancer and to encompass the entertainer role the Romani's often played historically. The last name of Faw was associated with Romani and was able to be used to identify ethnicity.
Heraldry Story
Lady Aurora has loved unicorns since a child. At 25 she had a unicorn tattooed on her shoulder. Unicorns represent purity, chivalry, and yet an untamed wildness and nobility. So it only makes sense that her heraldry means, "Love Unicorns." Her favorite colors are purple and pink, so it is without wonder, that she chose purpure and gules. While "pink" doesn't officially exist in period, faded red does. She also registered a badge with a full, rampant unicorn and a semy of hearts so she can have options in her heraldry decoration. Fun with Heraldry below:
Aurora's Order of Precedence
Offices & Positions
Kingdom of Atenveldt Deputy Kingdom Social Media Officer 9/1/2020-Present
Archery Marshall 1/23/2019-present
Queen's Lady In Waiting
Queen Elizabeth 11/2019 - ????
Barony of Sun Dragon
Chatelaine Oct 2018 – Oct 2019
Social Media Officer Jun 2018 - present
A & S Defender Oct 2017 – Oct 2018
Deputy Exchequer 9/1/2017 – 9/1/2019
Barony of Atenveldt
Lady of Love Sept 2018 – Dec 2019
Got Bowman rank Jan 2019
Competed for Archery Champion in Oct 2019
Ran Youth Archery at Estrella War 2019 and 2020
Started in Summer of 2016
Helped with creation/painting of many, many targets
Competed in many tournaments
Belly Dance
Started belly dancing in 2005
Run Daddy O's Desert Caravan Dance and Drum Monthly hafla's where SCA dancers and drummers are invited to participate and perform 2013-present
Have competed in many belly dance competitions, including Estrella War Halfla 2017 and Highlands War in July 2019
Performed at 12th Night, 2019 in Tucson
Hosted haflas including, the rained out weekend of Art of War, November 2019 and Wed Night of Estrella War 2020
Created videos for the Kingdom and Barony song compilations during the time of The Plague; Time Warp and Can't Stop the Feeling, by JT
Filked "Purple Reign" with "Virtual Reign" in dedication to Baron Wolff, at Atenveldt Heraldry and Bardic Symposium,Virtual Reign Video
Performed and won duet in Atenveldt bardic competition How to Train Your Viking, April 13, 2019
Competed at Sun Dragon Champions 2019
Performed at Fall Coronation 2019
Performed in Tucson at Bardic in 2017
Arts and Sciences
Started painting scrolls in June 2017
Started calligraphy in April 2019
Competed as Novice in Kingdom A & S in Sept 2018 – won for novice
Competed as Novice in Kingdom A & S in Sept 2019 – won in my category
Photos of Aurora's Scrolls
Primary seamstress for the Horny Horses Household, made many clothes for newbies
Made favors for her household
Sewed, embroidered and block printed pockets for largess 2021
Sewed and block printed Sun Dragon pockets 2020
Drafted, sewed, and block printed cotehardie for Lady of Love stepping down at Barony of Atenveldt Anniversary 2019
Sewed and block printed Viking hoods for prize at Barony of Atenveldt Anniversary 2019
Made ottoman coat from silk for hubby for Mid-East Feast 2019
Made a pirate "captain's" coat 2016
Belly dance bra and belt 2014
Painted multiple archery targets
Made a lot of cordials, primarily with vodka
Painted heraldic Christmas ornaments for Barony of Atenveldt ornament contest 2019
Created silk banner for myself 2019 and hubby 2020
Painted Baronial camp walls 2019
Won populace vote on painted parasol on A & S display at Champions 2018
Painted parasols for household 2018
Painted parasol for Sun Dragon regalia for the Baroness 2017
Photos of Aurora's SCA projects
Events Ran
Ran Youth Archery at Estrella 2019, 2020, and scheduled for 2021
Awarded Bid for Spring Coronation 2020
Sun Dragon Champions 2019
Fabric War July 2017
Children’s Clothing Exchange (at several Estrella War Events and at several Fabric Wars)
Other Volunteering
Assists with setting up people on the Atenveldt Wiki pages
Estrella War Watch/Front gate Volunteering
Sun Dragon Land-O-Crat for 2019 and 2020
Open Stitch and Bitch at my house
Atenveldt Parasol Purchase April 2020
Classes Taught
Belly Dance for Kids (2) - Estrella War - Feb 2017
Intro to Belly Dance - Estrella War - Feb 2018
Block printing - My House - 1/20/2019
Block printing - Mixed Weapons War - March 2019
Belly Dance - Sun Dragon Fighter Practice - 1/21/2018
Email: Aurora Faw
Facebook: Mundane - Michelle Geiger