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"My Dear Friends" by David Larsen
"My Dear Friends" by David Larsen


Sable, a bend cotised Or, a bordure counter-compony argent and sable.

Cote of Arms
Cote of Arms


Born 1970

Late 1970’s first observed the interesting hippy looking people that dressed funny across the street at Himmel Park from the second story window of my Sunday School class.

1982/3: My babysitter Jerome Scheuring, who taught me Dungeons and Dragons introduced me to The Ring Party (boffer battles for kids with a Lord of the Rings theme.)

International Mercenary Symbol

1984: Got subscription to “Soldier of Fortune” magazine, I thought mercenaries were cool, I saw the international mercenary symbol here for the first time, it was to become the first symbol of the mercenary group I would go on to found.

1985:  Started visiting SCA at Himmel Park


Salvatore' Circa 1987-8

Movie “Highlander” comes out, I am entranced, I wanted to be Sean Connery as Juan Sanchez Villalobos Ramirez, the swashbuckling element took hold and I even had a similar outfit commissioned. But I was a broke kid so I ended up with the ghetto version you see here.

The first time I tried hard suit fighting it was in loaned armor (fellow named “Bodrik” one of the funny looking Hippy people) it was like being stuffed into an empty toilet paper roll but made out of leather, I quickly charged my opponent with a sixteen year old war cry,  my opponent, planted his pole into the ground allowing me to run up it and kindly flipped me on my back like a turtle, limbs all akimbo. I loved it. Still remember looking through the grill at the sky and laughing hysterically.   I was too young and skinny for all that, so Leonard Byrd (Maximillian Des Pegas) and Howard Noble introduced me to Shinai fighting which fit me to a “T”.   I started training relentlessly.


Introduction to the Kingdom of Umbria in the Adrian Empire  

http://www.adrianempire.org/chapters/umbria.php made up of SCA ex-pats at Fort Lowell Park (Steel weapons fighting and shinai) spending time at both there and at the SCA.  Organized first mercenary company with high school friends called “Icador” (I still had a subscription to Soldier of Fortune magazine and still thought mercenaries were cool, so I decided to be one and bring all my friends along).  Made up of:

Real name                                     Persona Name

First Umbrian Mercenary Company

David Dent Alberich

David Farragut Rutger

Craig  Jacobs  ?

Adam Montano Bjorn Helguard the Strong

Jerome Scheuring Francis Conrad Demaigne

Scott Sparrold Ciron

Matt Wolf Randal Salvatore'

(See October 18, 2002 email from Adria King of Arms, Sir Arik de Coirnoir)

Fighting Steel, Salvatore' on the right
Point System.jpg
Umbrian Blade December 1989
Captain Salvatore' off the field at Fort Lowell

1988/1989: Cote of Arms passed in Umbria January 1, 1989.  Schism occurs and Umbria start to split into factions, high school friends graduate, move to college or focus on other things.  

I put together a new group…

FIRST CAPTAIN and FOUNDER of the Mercenary Company now known as Eberhauer Landsknechts

Estrella V: A.S. XXIII:  Attended my first Estrella War in borrowed carpet armor, fought in a few battles, sword and shield, died a lot, had a lot of fun.

1990: April 10, Empire of Chivalry and Steel founded: Kingdom of Galandor (AZ, CA, CO) Broke off from Adrian Empire led by Phillip le Cornoir. 

Salvatore lunges at bridge battle.jpg



January 7th Attended Estates General Meeting, Kingdom of Adria, Torrance, CA.

July, early(?) 1st Showers Point Banner War (remember camping in my papa-san chair, got idea to paint cobra on shinai helmet from dudes from Phoenix).

Practice moves to Reid Park.

Acknowledging first captain

Mercenary Company: I was conducting regular pole and unit training, armor making (For steel and SCA), making newsletters (See April 1990, 4th Newsletter of the Dragoons) and practices being held with newly formed Mercenary company called “The Dragoons”(original members of what is renamed Eberhaur Landsknechts in the years to come) in the backyard of my fathers house up the street from Himmel Park.  

Francis Conrad DeMaigne (Jerome Scheuring) loans “The Dragoons” $300 cash towards the purchase of armor kits in preparation for Estrella (see 7/27/2005 letter).

Working at Howard Nobles Armory after school, made a lopsided helmet by hammering a sheet of 12 gauge steel with a cannonball welded to a pole into a concave stump.

Galandor Castle

Estrella VI, February 17-19, camped in Galandor’s Castle (see photo) fought in shield wall in carpet armor and lopsided helmet with a few of “The Dragoons”, had to secure permission slips from parents to take them as they were underage.

Salvatores Pit Fight


April 7, Assassins’ Feast at Universalist Church  

July 12, 2nd Showers Point Banner War; Mt. Lemmon

July 27, Randal Salvatore's Pit Fight (See Event Registration form dated 27, July, 1991, Tusker Times)  

September 14, Combat Authorization Card #482* October, name Randal Salvatore' registered via Atenveldt October 13, Fellowship of the Boar-Argent* Atenveldt

Randal Salvatore appears in video "Once Upon A Weekend” Estrella VII: First Estrella that the Mercenary Company called "The Dragoons/Merc's" which would become “The Eberhaur Landsknechts" go to war as a unit under the command of Captain Randal Salvatore’.

1991 Himmel Park


Salvatore' 1992

March 13, 1992 Award of Arms*

April 5, 1992 Fanged Wolf*

June 1, 1992 Combat Authorization Card #482*

June 1, 1992 Sustaining Member Card #61294 Salvatore’ retires from Captaincy of “The Dragoons” Stops SCA activities to start training for round the world expedition to photograph and document the deepest canyon in the world, the Namche Barwa canyon in Tibet.   


May: Travels around the world to 18 countries in 173 days, survives being charged by a silverback gorilla in Zaire, rescues elderly couple from

Mugger on Great Wall of China.  Flies next to Mt Everest (highest point on earth), floats in the dead sea (lowest point).  Much adventure was had.

1994:  Few SCA activities, started software company “Rising Technologies Incorporated”, developed children’s language program “Hop and Skippy’s Language Island”

1995:  June 1995, device: Sable, a bend cotissed Or, a bordure counter-compony argent and sable passed. Returned to the SCA and organized "The Preceptory" Shock Troop with Temur Arslan and Viscount Sir Rotwulf von Geistburg. Fight together at Estrella (See VHS tape)

30 year with banned Salvatore' wing

Invented the now banned “Salvatore’ Wing” a fixed armor piece designed after medieval jousting gear but made for pole fighting in the SCA.



Pyrates!  Salvatore’s event that took place in a Western Town (Cowtown Keeylocko) that got converted into the Spanish Main of the 1600's, legendary party that lasted for days.  Months of preparation, full contact armored combat that included grappling and a foam dagger that had to be inserted into the eye slots of the opponents helmet grill to win or by submission. May 18th & 19th.

SCA 30 Year in An Tir

30 Year Celebration, 7-16th June, 1996 in An Tir (near Vancouver, Wash.) Conducted a series of VHS interviews about the current state of SCA combat techniques, interviewing Dukes and Knights assembled from Kingdoms around the known world.

Develops bone spurs in right elbow ending fighting career.  Takes hiatus from SCA until 2002

2002: I returned to the SCA, this time in CAID after graduating from the American Film Institute in Hollywood.  First camping event was Great Western War.  Ran into the Dragoons now called Eberhaur Landsknechts. (See letter dated October 15, 2002 to Leonard E. Byrd)

Fundamentals of SCA Combat

FUNDAMENTALS OF SCA COMBAT: Unable to fight in the SCA due to injury, Salvatore’ continues his martial training including the Japanese martial art Iaido (Samurai sword) and western boxing. Upon his return, Salvatore’ realizes that what he learned in other martial arts could inform SCA technique so he writes the combat primer “Fundamentals of SCA Combat”. Over 500 copies are sold on eBay starting a cottage industry of Knights and Dukes jumping on the bandwagon and selling their own versions soon after.

Captain of the pirate house "The Bitter Luck" Edremis Green

Historical encampment begins to go up, starting with a Past Times Pavilion Tent from England and custom early 16th century chair in quarter sawn oak with my cote of arms. Attended several Caid based Wars and events like Great Western War and Potrero, holiday events and feasts in Pasadena, meets Edremus Green (Ed Ramis) and the Crew of the Bitter Luck, recommends to him to create a history of his company so his contributions aren’t lost in the mists of time, he does.

Begins to visit Renaissance Faires and meets reenactors outside the SCA, soon after, joins the Bankeside Schole of Defense http://www.bankeside.org/


Robert Shaw Cote in "Royal Hunt of the Sun"
Salvatore' Great Cote

Sews "Salvatore’s Great Coat" inspired by Robert Shaws coat in the film “Royal Hunt of the Sun”, brass fitments fashioned from original 15 and 16th century originals purchased on ebay and recast.

Meets local Landsknecht household Company of St. Martin de Tours in Calafia (Gerry and Julia Adams) https://www.facebook.com/Company-of-St-Martin-de-Tours-180108175404620 and became a “Friend of the Company” I camped with them at a Potrero, Great Western War and an Estrella (The second year at Schnepf farms) where I had a hand forged raised firepit made so I could roast a suckling pig on it. Waaaayyy too difficult to be worth it, had to keep two fires going all day, feeding coals, etc…

Salvatore's Historical Yellowpages 1st Edition
Salvatore's Historical Yellowpages 1st Edition


SALVATORE’S HISTORICAL YELLOWPAGES: Working in a Christmas themed prop shop in North Hollywood when I came across a copy of “Debbie’s Book” annual publication for props and scenery.  Idea emerged to create a historical resource guide, a phone book, for historical goods and services for historical reenactors, film and TV that was organized by historical time period as well as alphabetically, be-gins to take form.


SALVATORE’S HISTORICAL YELLOWPAGES: The Premier Guide to Historical Resources for Film, TV and Re-enactors first edition published. Online and in print.  Becomes full time job, traveling from historical reenactment to reenactment across the country, SCA, Civil War, Revolutionary War, Wild West, Mountain Man Rendezvous, Renaissance Faires, handing out free copies to drum up interest.  Very interesting and fun living out of a tent for several months out of the year, seeing the different reenactment cultures and making friends around the country.  


Salvatore's Historical Yellowpages 2nd Edition.jpg

SALVATORE’S HISTORICAL YELLOWPAGES Second Edition. Goes on sale for $9.95. Doubles in size. Also goes online @www.shypages.com   

My costume/garb closet grows, trading advertising for outfits.  Civil War, Wild West, Revolutionary War.

I realized that paying rent in LA while I was on the road so much was not smart, so I started to look at homes in the Tucson/Tir Ysgithr area in December of 2006.

2007: Moved back to Tir Ysgthir  

Gearing up for the third edition of SALVATORE’S HISTORICAL YELLOWPAGES when the financial crisis that became the “great recession” started in late 2007, advertising revenue dried up and I had to shutter the publication and website.


After living out of a tent for several years, I was burnt-out and needed a new career so I became a full time High School Art Teacher, this was a wonderful thing but since I was doing Art everyday, the last thing I wanted to do was do the arts on the weekends with the SCA which cut off one of the remaining avenues of participation for me in the Society.  Fighting was out, I had a fully authentic camp and garb so I explored Archery til I developed degenerative discs in my neck (largely rehabilitated but have chronic pain) and during these years, I went to a variety of events like Barons War and Estrella but those times grew fewer and fewer til I had effectively retired. These years were focused on developing Rancho Lobo, my home in the desert and going on global adventures (Carnival in Rio, Bicycling in Ireland, Europe, Mexico)


Reconnected with members of my mercenary company from years before. (Benedikt of Luzern/Brian Pickart, Edric Longfellow/David Larsen, Lucas Guthrie/Artemis Cazador) in another house that had survived since the early times Haus Tagesterne and became a member in 2019. I was honored to be the subject of David Larsen's oil painting “My Dear Friends” (Painting on first page). As a group we focus on authentic camping, cooking and middle-ager fun including a finger food and tasting event at Estrella where everyone brings a different brand of alcohol of the same type and an annual period feast.

The founding of the mercenary company now known as the EBERHAUR LANDSKNECHTS:

Salvatore' first Captain

In 1988 (my last year at High School) I had founded a mercenary company in the Kingdom of Umbria (Fort Lowell Park) and received the title First Mercenary Captain” from the King, Philip Le Cornoir.  This group was made up of my friends in High School and was called “Icador” (see timeline above and letter from Sir Seigfried).   Upon graduation, many of those members moved on to the next stage of their lives and left the group, simultaneously, there was a schism between factions in Umbria that led to a split and the founding of a new steel fighting organization (Galandor) that started practicing in the SW corner of Reid Park in Tucson.  I retained my title of First Mercenary Captain (see letter) but had to start over…

The first people I met were playing with Boffer weapons (padded weapons, no armor needed) I started working with them with Shinai but they didn’t stay very long in the group. I was actively recruiting from SCA shinai fighters which is where I met Brian Pickart, Lucas Guthrie and David Larsen, all my age.  Soon after, a group from Saguaro High School and others started to bring their friends into the group. This is when I met the young Brian Wattiker/Moivar and Eric Bouigous/Eriker and Adam Laye/Nader, Justin Whitehead/Yertle, there were others (see photo) but I cannot recall all of their names. They resonated with the message of our mercenary group called at that time “The Merc’s” that we could get paid for fighting in the crown wars (In Galandor, if you wanted to be the King you had to raise an army to fight in a Crown War).  We quickly grew into the largest organized fighting group in Galandor.  Our first payment for a Crown War were semi-precious gems.

Dragoons 4th Newsletter

What's in a name?

Sometime in late 1989 or early 1990 we voted on a new name and “The Dragoons” won out.  Many of these groups of friends had their own households with names like “House Chimera” and “The Death Jesters” but I brought them all under the umbrella of “The Dragoons” and was their first Mercenary Captain.   I published a newsletter (see 4th edition April 1990) which references that the “Dragoons” were about to officially be recognized by Galandor and all household leaders were to submit to me household folders with the names of their households, a list of members with names, ranks (within the Galandorian system) phone numbers and if they had paid their group dues. Also a uniquely mercenary related document is referenced, “signed contracts” which bound the households to “The Dragoons”.   

On the field:

Buffalo Horns

Our signature strategy was from a 1979 movie I had seen called “Zulu Dawn” called the “Buffalo Horns” (Zulu: impondo zenkomo) basically, the center of the line would engage the enemy, pinning them, and the horns/flanks would pull out the sides and envelope the main body.   

From the beginning we fought as a unit, disparate households uniting under one banner and in one company. My step-mother fashioned us red sashes and a red and black cloth banner with the international mercenary symbol on it, hung above our camp and at the Ramada at Reid Park.  When I called for a meeting, half the fighters on the field would drain into our ramada much to the consternation of the “Royal faction”.

Politics and Power:  Since the Galandorian hierarchical system was based on the raising of armies to fight for the crown The Dragoons were in a unique position of leverage as a mercenary unit.  In essence, whoever paid us the most, became the King…  we had the numbers.

“Royal faction and Mercenary Scum” : Many of the founders of Galandor installed themselves in positions of power from the outset, so they were de-facto royalty and saw themselves above us scrappy, rabble rousers and started to call us “Mercenary Scum”.

Pole Unit: “We were always a pole unit, we were broke”

Dragoons 4th Newsletter

As seen in the 4th Dragoon newsletter, we had a hierarchy (Order of Command) with the heads of the various households reporting to Captain Randal Salvatore’.  The heads of the various households kept their members informed, and in attendance, they were also instructed to vote their conscience in matters regarding The Dragoons and accept no payment as far as the estates are concerned, in other words, no side deals, we negotiated as a unit. Recruitment was actively encouraged.   

Dragoons 4th Newsletter 2nd Page

Galandor fielded an annual shield wall at the SCA Estrella War and hired us to support their wall with poles (this is referenced in the newsletter as we needed to vote on what our payment would be, Tabards or Banners), many of the “Royal faction” were older and had real careers so they were able to afford full armor, swords and shields, most of us could not, so we had to make it all ourselves, my friend Howard Noble had an armor shop so I started volunteering, in return he let me make a horrible lopsided helmet on his equipment.  As recalled by Brian Pickart/Benedikt of Luzerne of these times:  “I remember you doing marching drills”, “And one time you brought out a cheap helmet and promoted it in the hopes of getting us all in armor”.   Apparently it worked.  because soon after, we set a goal to get everyone armored so a makeshift armor making station and weekly training started at my residence at the time, up the street from Himmel Park.  We hung 2 liter coke bottles on rope from a pole at various heights to practice engaging multiple targets while in a line. We marched in the alleyway doing drills and we made armor out of carpet and aluminum street signs. I negotiated with a place called “Hardcastle Armory” for a bulk deal on several great helm “kits’ (See photo) and lorica segmenta shoulders.  We bought rattan in bulk to make our poles.   But it wasn’t enough, we actually had to borrow $300 from my friend Jerome Scheuring/Conrad Francis Demaigne as he mentions in this letter from Oct 2002 “I further recall the placement of some three hundred thalers (corrupted to “dollars” in the uncouth New Amsterdam patois ) toward the underwriting of a certain mercenary venture; from which I profited a certain rather odd level of booty: no gold, no gems, just an assortment of weaponry (bayonets), some of which continues to occupy a place in my collection”. .   

First mercenary helms.jpg
Dragoons 4th Newsletter Page 3

First Estrella (XXV 1991) that the Mercenary company called “The Dragoons/Merc’s” now known as the “Eberhaur Landsknechts” go to an SCA war as a unit under the command of Captain Randal Salvatore’:   Since most of the members of our group were underage, it fell upon me to get permission slips from their parents to fight (SCA) and for me to take them with me as the responsible adult and organizer of the group.  

Moivars first Estrella 17 years 8 months

Among them was a very young (17 years, 8 months in this picture) Brian Watticker who would become known as the famous Moivar Vinurlin still a Landsknecht to this day, climbing into his pup tent or as we affectionately called them “Earth Pimples”.   


Among us was one of our earliest benefactors Yonaton von Schwartzuberfleck a bard of renown in our lands and a former member of an SCA mercenary company called ‘Free Company” which had disbanded in 1984 and his brother Woody. They joined us as part of our unit at this event as referenced in this letter from Woody (postmarked January 14, 1991) acknowledging Salvatore’s Captaincy, addressing payment, training with his brother (he lived out of state), making his armor legal and how we would be handling food in the camp.


Wendy Trakes handled our food so we didn't starve.

Wendy .jpg
Wendy and Moivar

More scenes from our first war:

Merchants Row 91
Unknown name
Salvatore Estrella 91


Yonaton was a good friend and would help us out, he brought over lots of leather for us to make armor with (I still have some of it!). One day he came to our unit practice at my dads house with pictures of woodcuts from flamboyant german mercenaries called “Landsknechts” and showed them to the group.  Moivar flipped out, he loved it, it fit his outgoing personality and soon after he started adorning himself with strips of cloth and adopted it as his persona, it caught on…

Moivar with strips of cloth


I was 21, almost 22 at this point and ready to start focusing on other things in my life as well, I had grown tired of the largely thankless job of putting out newsletters, organizing, negotiating, leading, hosting, training and having people in my backyard banging away at stuff. So I retired.  I remember Moivar was a bit surprised by this, but he went on to lead them at some point after and to my knowledge they are now the largest mercenary company in the SCA.


Some people have mistakenly claimed that the Eberhaur Landsknechts started with “The Free Company”. This is impossible.  Free company disbanded in 1984.  Moivar would have been 11 years old. I was only 14.  Too young to fight hard suit in the SCA.

“But members of the former “Free Company” were Hauptmann (Captains) of Eberhaur Landsknecht.”

Yes, this is correct, but after me.  So they would be the second, third, fourth Captain/Hauptman etc…

There is a sequence to history, their can be only one-first Captain, the person who organized, trained, negotiated contracts, armored and led the unit on the field for the first time as a unit, and that person was Captain Randal Salvatore’ as proven by the photographs, testimonials and documents presented here.

“I remember it differently.”

Great! Let us see your documents and photos to back up your story as presented here.   

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be out wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence”. -John Adams

My thoughts on the above:  It is very understandable for narratives to overlap, memories to get fuzzy and especially for an organization to want to deepen their history.  But this is a classic case of “Failure is an orphan but success has many fathers” observing the arc of this organization over three decades now, i find it ironic how we started as the outcasts, the outsiders, the “Mercenary Scum” and now everyone wants a piece of what has become.   I could never have imagined that the group I founded as a teenager would become an amazing group and encampment that has existed continuously for 31 years, people have gotten married, children have been born, friendships made and epic “no shit there I was” stories abound and they throw a really amazing Schnapps party as well! A real testament to those that followed, their insight, their leadership and their hard work.  The torch has not gone out. I was glad to have lit it.

Tales of Salvatore’:

Moivar Vinurlin, Landsknecht God at Kingdom of Atenveldt, original member:

How we met:

“I remember when you came out with your hat and you started talking to us and that was the first time we met you, and you were like literally a god to us because you were older and you had this Commander appeal to you.”

Drunken War Stories: “One Night in our twenties I was walking around and saw you at a party hanging onto a giant stand up Chandelier. You look very happy as I approached, then I asked how you were doing. You smiled and looked at me and you said f*** you. So I said oh, I see you're doing well then. And then you said f*** you. So once again I exclaimed to you “I hope you have a good night. And you said without missing a beat “f*** you”. And it was beautiful.

There was another night, I swear it was a rainy night, and we were all hanging out inside a giant tent. We were into our libations and you exclaimed that it took Prince 7 years to realize he was Prince and he was funky. And then you screamed and sang at the top of your lungs my name is Prince and I am funky and we all laughed and enjoyed that glorious rainy night.

Don't forget your Pirates event, I was in a rain barrel getting bathed by two women. And you walked up and asked what I was doing, and I said I'm getting bathed. And you said “pro-ceed.”

Robert Von Rohr, original member:

Recalling the early days:  “We met at Reid Park”, “I remember practicing at your place using poles to hit bottles” “Plus making carpet armor”

Edric Longfellow aka David Larsen’s blog “The All Grain Evangelist” : THURSDAY, MARCH 02, 2006

Salvatore's Historical Yellow Pages

Estrella is very much like an odd reoccurring dream. It happens every year at exactly the same time. When you show up, all the same people are in exactly the same places, almost like they never left, many of whom you only see at the event. While there, everyone is dressed in silly clothes and talks funny. They all have odd names. In fact, you often do not know their real names. Finally, when it is over, it is over, and the people get safely tucked away in memory until next year.

One such person that I have known only in a SCA context is Randal Salvatore. I have known Randal for close to 17 years. I have to say that in all the times I've known him, he has been involved in crazy hair-brained schemes.

To give some examples, I remember when he held an event called "Salvatore's Pit Fight" or something to that effect, where people would fight while others would bet on the outcome. Of course they would bet using coins with Randal's face stamped on them.

I also remember when he got into boxing.

I remember going to Mexico one day and he just happened to be there, drunk, hitting on waitresses (and I do not go to Mexico very often). Apparently he had been there every day for like a week, and we just happened to run into him.

I remember one recent Estrella, he was visiting our encampment when out of the blue, a group of a dozen pirate women came in and kidnapped him. We never saw him again, the entire event.

Like a bad penny, he always turns up, crazy things happen to him, and he has the cra-ziest stories to tell. Last Estrella, when we found Randal, he was very excited about his newest project. He had this idea of making a phone book.

"A phone book?" we all questioned. "How about a website?"

"No, no, a printed phone book: the historical yellow pages," Randal responded in his nasally enunciated voice, with a big huge smirk framing his prominent Roman Emperor-esque nose. He had a crazed look in his eyes that we'd all seen before.

He went on to describe not just any phone book; it was to be a phone book dedicated to re-enactment: medieval, civil war, and anything else that comes to mind. Crazy Randal Salvatore was up to it again.

Well, this Estrella when we found him he was passing out -- you guessed it -- phone books. I looked at one, and you know what? It rocked. I guess that not only are they eating it up in re-enactment groups, but he has them in all the major movie studios. Congratulations, Randal.

Oh yes, he does have a website too. In fact, it is right here.

To be continued ...

Posted by David Larsen, fine artist at 1:01 AM  

Labels: books, Estrella, SCA


John said...

Indeed it does rock! I have a lot of friends who could really use this information, and I'm one of them (OK, so I value my own friendship).

10:54 AM

Anonymous said...

this guy doesn't understand the basics of swordplay - although he claims to be a ge-nius. I remember when he first started. He sucked so bad and then when he got older he claimed he was the best when he was younger. I don't get it.

8:46 PM

Anonymous said...

I remember a dude like that who always claimed he understood all the nuances of war-fare and got his XXX kicked everytime. HaHa! This brings back memories from about 12 years ago. Is he still around?

The Ripper

8:51 PM

Anonymous said...

Who cares if he was good at fighting. I met him years ago at a festival in Vail or aspen I think for the Giant-Killing battles. He is basically allright and I think his real name is Mark or something. Anyway, if he's trying to be cool then we should at least respect his efforts.

9:08 PM

Anonymous said...

Salvatore rocks! I looked at his website and its got the makings of something big. Spread the word!

11:39 AM

Anonymous said...

Interesting idea for a business. I wonder if he plays D & D - bet on it!


4:08 PM

Anonymous said...

Salvatore is the fellow who always wore the black spray-painted armor and orange helmet. I think he took a wife at the last war and then nailed her in front of a crowd. My kind of guy!

David Larsen, fine artist said...

Okay, let me put some myths to rest:

Yes, Salvatore used to fight. As to whether he was good or not, I cannot say, because I do not fight. I can say that he was the only one to beat the dragon in a dragon tourney those long years ago. The dragon was made up of the toughest knights, so he must have been okay at least.

Salvatore's real name is Matt.

Salvatore, as far as I know, is not married, nor "nailed his wife in front of a crowd."

Salvatore often claims that he is a genius. It is that arrogant obnoxiousness that we love about him. Salvatore would not be Salvatore without it.

Salvatores’ response to the comments above: It seems obvious to me that none of those folks, pro or con actually met me, but for some reason I became a personage that they could project their most outrageous experiences upon, and for that, I thank them, cause this shit is hi-larious!


Salvatore's Order of Precedence


Haus Tagesterne

Documents and Photographs