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"My Dear Friends" by David Larsen
"My Dear Friends" by David Larsen


Sable, a bend cotised Or, a bordure counter-compony argent and sable.


Born 1970

Late 1970’s first observed the interesting hippy looking people that dressed funny across the street at Himmel Park from the second story window of my Sunday School class.

1982/3: My babysitter Jerome Scheuring, who taught me Dungeons and Dragons intro-duced me to The Ring Party (boffer battles for kids with a Lord of the Rings theme.)

1984: Got subscription to “Soldier of Fortune” magazine, I thought mercenaries were cool, I saw the international mercenary symbol here for the first time, it was to become the first symbol of the mercenary group I would go on to found.

1985:  Started visiting SCA at Himmel Park


Movie “Highlander” comes out, I am entranced, I wanted to be Sean Connery as Juan Sanchez Villalobos Ramirez, the swashbuckling element took hold and I even had a similar outfit commissioned. But I was a broke kid so I ended up with the ghetto version you see here.

The first time I tried hard suit fighting it was in loaned armor (fellow named “Bo-

drik” one of the funny looking Hippy people) it was like being stuffed into an empty toi-

let paper roll but made out of leather, I quickly charged my opponent with a sixteen year

old war cry,  my opponent, planted his pole into the ground allowing me to run up it and kindly flipped me on my back like a turtle, limbs all akimbo. I loved it. Still remember looking through the grill at the sky and laughing hysterically.   I was too young and skinny for all that, so Leonard Byrd (Maximillian Des Pegas) and Howard Noble introduced me to Shinai fighting which fit me to a “T”.   I started training relentlessly.


Salvatore's Order of Precedence


Haus Tagesterne